Computer Training Center in Dhaka
Our students are among the best and brightest.
Our computer training center nurtures talent.
The teacher is only as good as the student, not the other way round. If the student is able to accomplish great things, it says a great deal about the capabilities of the instructor.
We are not an age old academic institution with years of history. However, the impact we are have on society is rather humbling. Mostly because we didn't start with a big mission statement. We simply wanted to teach what we learnt over the years.
Our trainees range from young college and university going students to working professionals and even middle-aged to senior men and women. We help our students achieve the work skills of the future, with an emphasis on good practices and quality ensurance.

We don't shy away from showcasing the talents of our students. We'll occasionally promote the profiles of our students on our social media and our website.